- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Electrified Villages and Electrified Pump in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Villages Electrified in East Nimar / Khandwa District of Madhya Pradesh (As on 31.03.2005 and 2006)